Tuesday 28 August 2012

Contiki OS


I recently had the opportunity to work on an integration between the Contiki OS and the ns-3 network simulator.  I found that documentation was sparse on the Contiki side and ended up having to dig through the source code to understand its operation.  The following post encompasses my findings which were also submitted as a degree requirement for the MEng. Computer Networks program at Ryerson University.

Please excuse any out of context references as this was pulled from a paper that was not solely focused on Contiki.

Contiki OS Scheduler

The Contiki Operating System came to existence as an extension of the uIP network stack, which was developed out of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science.  Its design allows for features such as multi-tasking, multiple threaded processes, remote GUI and a fully functioning customizable network stack – the RIME stack – along with the original uIP stack [3].  Being extremely lightweight, the operating system only requires around 100 KB of memory for core operations, which makes it suitable for memory-constrained devices such as microcontrollers.  Applications for Contiki include streetlights, home and factory automation devices, security devices and various industry-specific monitoring devices. 

Looking under the hood, the remainder of this section examines the scheduler at the core of the Contiki OS.  The following graphic displays the flow of control within the kernel.

Looking at the figure above, all processing begins with the main() function within the Platform code visually depicted on the bottom left of the diagram.  The main() function, usually defined within the platform-specific code (i.e. contiki/platform/ns3) starts a set of concurrent processes using the PROCINIT macro:

PROCINIT(&etimer_process, &tapdev_process, &tcpip_process, &serial_line_process);

The set of listed processes can be user applications, device drivers, network stacks or other optional core functionality depending on the overall function of the Contiki node. For example, the minimal-net platform requires a tap device connecting into the underlying host OS and therefore defines the &tapdev_process in its set of processes to start.  Once all processes are started, control shifts to the scheduler.  The driving function, process_run(), is usually called within a while loop from the main() function.  process_run() then schedules a series of functions that do the following:
  • Checks a poll flag typically set by device driver processes, event timer processes, and any process utilizing IPC.  If set, the process' poll handler function (the function defined to respond to the PROCESS_EVENT_POLL event) will be called immediately.
  • Adds events to the event queue.
  • Removes events from the event queue.
  • Processes the functionality of the removed events by giving control to the process specified in the event which resides in the process list. 
The default scheduling algorithm pulls events from the front of the queue while ensuring that polling is done in between processing events.  An event can either schedule subsequent events at the back of the event queue via the process_post() function or can immediately call a process to skip queuing with the process_post_synch() function.  Polling results in a device, event timer, or IPC-enabled process immediately running its poll handler function which can make use of the process_post() and process_post_synch() functions to schedule further events or run other functions.

When data from the application layer is generated, an event is scheduled to invoke the configured NET/MAC stack so that it can read from the application layer.  When the event reaches the front of the event queue, the network stack will operate on the layer 7 data in memory and then pass its pointer down further to the configured hardware driver by scheduling either targeted events (i.e. TCP_POLL used to indicate data is ready for the network layer from the transport layer) or general events (i.e. PROCESS_EVENT_POLL).  When this event is at the front of the event queue the correct process can be called using an event addressing mechanism that ensures that the correct member function can be called based on the selected event name.

Data on its way in from the hardware relies on poll flags to interrupt sequential event queue processing.  When data arrives, it is written to memory and the receiving device driver process sets a poll flag.  Between subsequent events, the poll flag belonging to each process is checked.  If a flag is found to be set, the process' poll handler function is invoked which is defined by the PROCESS_POLLHANDLER macro.  Therefore, in between subsequent scheduled events there is always an opportunity for some network I/O to occur.  A device driver can include both input and output in its poll handler.  

For example, data can originate from the application layer and be written to the single memory buffer reserved for network I/O.  An event can be scheduled at the back of the event queue to send this data out via the hardware.  Before this event reaches the front of the queue, incoming data from the hardware can signal the device driver to set the poll flag concurrent to event queue processing.  After the next event is processed, the poll flag is checked for all processes revealing that the network device has some work to do.  The poll handler function is called that writes the data that has been prepared by the APP/NET/MAC layers before the scheduled event for this write action has reached the front of the event queue.  Additionally, the poll handler reads the incoming data from the hardware buffer into the newly freed data buffer for the APP/NET/MAC layers to operate on in the upwards network stack direction.  The poll handler finishes and control is given back to event queue processing.

Contiki OS Network Stack Architecture

Choosing a MAC protocol is performed by mapping function pointers to appropriate functions.  The network stack is defined in the platform/…/contiki-conf.h configuration header file, which takes a modular approach to the network layer, radio duty cycle, MAC layer, radio driver, and framing.  Each configurable element of the network stack is represented by a structure as shown in the code snippet below:

extern const struct network_driver NETSTACK_NETWORK;
extern const struct rdc_driver NETSTACK_RDC;
extern const struct mac_driver NETSTACK_MAC;
extern const struct radio_driver NETSTACK_RADIO;
extern const struct framer NETSTACK_FRAMER;

Each structure is originally defined in its own header file where a list of required functions accompany the structure. For example, in core/net/mac/mac.h there are six function pointers defined.

struct mac_driver {
char *name;
/** Initialize the MAC driver */
void (* init)(void);
/** Send a packet from the Rime buffer */
void (* send)(mac_callback_t sent_callback, void *ptr);
/** Callback for getting notified of incoming packet. */
void (* input)(void);
/** Turn the MAC layer on. */
int (* on)(void);
/** Turn the MAC layer off. */
int (* off)(int keep_radio_on);
/** Returns the channel check interval, expressed in clock_time_t ticks. */
unsigned short (* channel_check_interval)(void);

Any MAC protocol chosen for compilation into the Contiki executable must provide the required functions and also modify the struct defined in netstack.h to apply the function pointers to the defined functions. An example of this is shown below pulled from core/net/mac/csma.c:

const struct mac_driver csma_driver = {

The diagram above displays the flow of control within the Contiki OS during network input.  Data originates packaged with all layer headers via the hardware driver process.  In this case, the socketradio.c/h files specify how to pull information from the underlying OS IPC socket. The raw data is copied from the socket to the packetbuf memory buffer, which is typically reserved for MAC layer processing of data. The faint green arrow displays this movement of data from the socket to the memory buffer.  Control then shifts from the device driver process into the OS network stack.  The network stack is a series of preconfigured (during compilation) function calls that chain into each other up and down the stack.  For sicslowpan/sicslowmac, the network stack is composed of the sicslowpan driver (network layer), the nullmac driver (MAC layer), the sicslowmac driver (Radio Duty Cycle), the framer802154 driver (Framer), and a variable radio driver that was chosen to be the socketradio device driver in this case to socket communication with ns-3.

From the device driver, control moves up the stack starting at the radio duty cycle component as shown by the yellow arrow leading out of the device driver process.  The RDC invokes the framer whose responsibility is to parse the contents of the packetbuf buffer and assign values to globally accessible structural variables that indicate packet information such as header lengths.  Once packet inspection is complete, the framer returns control to the RDC, which then invokes the assigned radio duty cycle driver - sicslowmac.  Processing at this stage is focused on stripping the layer 2 header from the contents of the packetbuf buffer since all pertinent information has been recorded into separate variables by the framer.  The sicslowmac driver then calls up the stack to the configured nullmac driver.  Here, no operations occur involving any memory buffers. Control then forwards onto the network layer.  The sicslowpan driver is called via the network stack whose main responsibility in the upward stack direction is header decompression.  The sicslowpan driver reads the packetbuf buffer and compressed fields are decompressed into the sicslowpan_buf buffer.  Once decompression of the compressed header is complete, the payload is copied from the packetbuf buffer to the correct address following the uncompressed layer 3 header in the sicslowpan_buf buffer.  Finally, once the full packet is assembled, it is copied from the sicslowpan_buf buffer to the uip_buf buffer.

Control is then forwarded to the tcpip_process using a process_post_sych.  This schedules an event that is immediately processed and the tcpip_process is signaled with the TCP_POLL event.  Further layer 4 and subsequent layer 7 processing continues after the delivery of the data from the network stack to the expected uip_buf buffer.

Sending data follows a similar flow of control but in the reverse direction.  The application layer data is written to the payload of the uip_buf buffer and the layer 3 headers are filled in as well.  Passing control down the stack to the sicslowpan driver, compression of the layer 3 header is performed by reading the header within the uip_buf buffer and writing the compressed version to the packetbuf buffer.  The payload is also copied over by the sicslowpan driver.  The nullmac driver forwards onto the sicslowmac driver which adds 802.15.4 framing before forwarding to the configured radio in the network stack for network output.  Sending layer 4-initiated data (i.e. TCP ACKs) occurs automatically on receipt of data and the application is never notified of this.  In this case, the registered sicslowpan output function is triggered by the tcpip_process to initiate data passing down the stack to the radio.

Contiki OS Sensor Architecture

The simulation environment operates with purely virtual components.  There are virtual nodes talking over a virtual medium using virtual sensors to gauge their electronic environment.  For the purpose of writing a suitable application to test the integration, the simulated wireless sensor node required some form of real world sensing however.  Therefore, a sensor was built that monitors the input to a host OS socket for specific values controlled by an external user-controlled frontend.  Contiki implements a blanket sensor process that acts as a platform for all hardware sensors attached to the node.  Sensor hardware drivers were written to the interface specifications of the main sensor process so that this process could launch and schedule sensing operations as shown in the following diagram.

Sensing typically begins with the sensor specific processes shown on the right of Figure 8.  These processes are launched on Contiki startup and bind to/initialize any hardware they are designed for.  For example, acc-example.c defines a process specific to monitoring an accelerometer by polling its x-y-z co-ordinates every half second.  If something noteworthy occurs, the sensors_changed() function can be invoked to schedule an event that will signal the sensors_process that there is further work to do.  This is shown on the right in the diagram above as new events are added to the event queue originating from the sensor specific processes.

Once the event generated by the sensors_changed() function reaches the front of the event queue, the scheduler passes control over to the sensors_process process whose purpose is to check all attached sensors and notify interested processes of any changes.  The two arrows leading from the event queue to the Sensor Scheduling Process via the Scheduler in the diagram above display this logic.

The Sensor Scheduling Process (also known as sensors_process) found in core/net/lib/sensors.c and sensors.h maintains two arrays: an array of pointers to sensors (the specific sensors corresponding to sensor drivers) and an array of flags each of which corresponds to the attached sensors.  For example, if a node had a temperature sensor, a vibration sensor, and an accelerometer as attached hardware, then there would need to be three separate device drivers used to register these components to the sensors_process.  The sensors_process would maintain an array of each sensor (3 in total) and an array of flags for each sensor (3 in total).  Upon receiving an event, the Sensor Scheduling Process iterates through all sensor flags to see which sensor has data that should be handled. The sensors_changed() function that was mentioned earlier manipulates the array of flags maintained by the Sensor Scheduling Process.  The sensor specific process tied to the hardware sensor that needs attention calls the sensors_changed() function which manipulates the flag corresponding to the specific sensor.  For example, a temperature sensor process would only manipulate the flag at the index corresponding to its sensor in the array of flags via the sensors_changed() function.

The sensors_process checks all flags iteratively.  If it finds a flag set, an event is scheduled to the event queue before checking any subsequent flags.  The event that is scheduled is marked as a broadcast event, meaning that when the main scheduler is processing it, the main scheduler will push this event to all processes.  This includes processes that do not care about the event, processes that require the event to continue processing (i.e. User Applications waiting for sensor input) and the sensor_process itself.  Notice the generation of the Broadcast Event, which is placed at the end of the event queue via the Sensor Scheduling Process in the diagram above.

This broadcast event will reach the front of the event queue and will be delivered to an application process residing in the User Apps domain (top-middle of the diagram).  It will also be delivered to the Sensor Scheduling Process, which will resume checking the rest of the flags as processing was halted after scheduling the broadcast event that has just been processed.  This ensures that a single sensor’s input is handled at a time.

The sensors_process will continue iterating through the rest of the flags and acting upon them in the same manner described above.  If all flags have been parsed and it is deemed that no sensors have generated noteworthy input, then the sensors_process will sleep until another event wakes the process (i.e. a sensor specific process) to check sensor flags once again.

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