Wednesday 3 February 2016

Advanced IPTables Matching

Here are a few examples of advanced iptables matching rules.  Note that lines with multiple match rules have the heavier rules ordered last.  This subjects a subset of all traffic to the heavy processing required for operations such as string matching as least costly match rules shield all traffic from the costly match rules.

Matching TLS traffic to specific domains

iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 443 ! -f -m state --state ESTABLISHED -m u32 --u32 "0>>22&0x3C@ 12>>26&0x3C@ 0>>24 & 0xFF=0x16 && 0>>22&0x3C@ 12>>26&0x3C@ 2>>24 & 0xFF=0x01" --algo bm -j LOG --log-prefix "TLS Client Hello: "
Match on TCP traffic to port 443 that has already been established and is not a fragment
-p tcp --dport 443 ! -f -m state --state ESTABLISHED
Use the u32 module for byte matching
-m u32 --u32
Fast forward past the IP header
Fast forward past the TCP header
Match when the first byte of the TCP payload is 0x16 (or decimal 22 signifying a TLS record)
0>>24 & 0xFF=0x16
Match when the above conditions are true as well as having the 6th byte of the TCP payload equalling 0x01 (signifying a ClientHello)
0>>22&0x3C@ 12>>26&0x3C@ 2>>24 & 0xFF=0x01

If a specific domain is needed, iptables can  scan the matched TLS ClientHelllo for the string 'domain'
-m string --string "domain" --algo bm

Forcing AAAA record DNS resolution for specific domains

iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -m string --hex-string '|<domain name encoded as hex string>0001|' --algo bm -j DROP

Match on DNS traffic (UDP/53)
-p udp --dport 53

Match on the target domain string followed by a DNS Query Type 0x01 (A Record):
-m string --hex-string '|<domain name encoded as hex string>0001|' --algo bm

Drop these requests:

Modern browsers should be sending both A and AAAA DNS queries.  By dropping the A queries, the AAAA responses would be the only responses allowed for the target domain thus forcing IPv6 connectivity.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. great. But if I only need to block a string in the "TLSv1 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Client Hello" part (example: 16030100c9010000c50303) ? thanks in advance
